Monday, 24/02/2025

Promoting digital transformation and ensuring information security and safety in banking operations

In Directive No. 02/CT-NHNN dated January 20, 2025, the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) requested units under the SBV, credit institutions, foreign bank branches (FCs), and payment intermediary service providers (PSS) to focus on effectively implementing tasks and solutions to promote digital transformation and ensure information security and safety in banking activities in 2025.

The Directive clearly states that, implementing the orientations and policies of the Government and the Prime Minister on the National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, with a vision to 2030, the National Cyber Security and Safety Strategy, proactively responding to challenges from cyberspace to 2025, with a vision to 2030, the SBV has reviewed and issued many mechanisms and policies to facilitate digital transformation, promote the application of technology in business operations, and provide products and services on the basis of ensuring security, safety, and protecting the rights and legitimate interests of customers. Digital transformation of the banking sector has made strong progress in recent times, expanding its scale and scope, achieving many positive results. In addition, the banking industry also faces risks and challenges regarding information security and safety: Crimes attacking the banking industry's information system or fraud, appropriation of assets via the internet, taking advantage of banking services for illegal purposes are complicated...

Promoting the achieved results, overcoming difficulties and challenges, in order to continue promoting digital transformation activities and ensuring information security and safety in banking activities, in this Directive, the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam requests units under the State Bank of Vietnam, credit institutions, and organizations providing payment services to focus on effectively implementing tasks and solutions to promote digital transformation and ensure information security and safety in banking activities in 2025, specifically:

(i) Proactively and resolutely and effectively implement tasks and solutions on digital transformation and ensuring information security and safety stated in the Banking Industry Digital Transformation Plan'; Plan of the Banking industry to implement the National Strategy for developing digital economy and digital society to 2025, with a vision to 2030; Strategy for Information Technology (IT) Development in the Banking Industry", Strategy for Development of Vietnam's Payment Systems to 2030: Project for Development of Non-Cash Payments in Vietnam for the 2021-2025 Period, Plan of the Banking Industry to Implement the Project for Development of Applications for Population, Identification and Electronic Authentication to Serve National Digital Transformation for the 2022-2025 Period, Vision to 2030 (Project 06).

(ii) Raising awareness of organizations and individuals in the Banking Industry about the role and benefits of digital transformation activities and ensuring information security and safety in banking activities. Focus on building sufficient human resources in terms of quantity and quality. The head is directly responsible for directing the implementation of digital transformation, ensuring information security and safety in the agency, organization, and field under his/her charge.

(iii) Proactively preventing, detecting and handling timely identify risks that may arise to enhance security and safety assurance in the process of providing and implementing banking activities, with special attention to banking services in the digital environment.

(iv) Strengthen the effective operation of the Banking Industry Network for Security and Information Security Incident Response to enhance information sharing and prevention and response to security and information security incidents at units in the banking industry.

(v) Continue to promote and innovate information, propaganda, dissemination of knowledge, financial education, and guidance for people and businesses to understand and use banking products and services in the digital environment safely and in accordance with legal regulations, while raising awareness and vigilance of people and businesses against security and information security risks, common and newly emerging criminal and fraudulent tricks and behaviors related to banking activities.

(6) Promote cooperation, experience sharing and research, application of digital technology, ensure information security and safety to develop and provide a variety of banking products and services, enhance customer experience and meet the increasing needs and expectations of people and businesses.

The Governor of the State Bank requests units under the State Bank, credit institutions, and organizations providing payment services on the basis of assigned functions and tasks to effectively organize and implement the specific tasks assigned in this Directive.


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