Sunday, 23/02/2025

ASEAN Interoperable Data Framework

ASEAN Banking Interoperable Data Framework (ABA IDF) as “to facilitate cross-border flow of data in a safe and secure manner for the banking financial institutions within ASEAN Member States.”


Vietnam Banks Association (VNBA) would like to share the news of the ASEAN Banking Interoperable Data Framework (ABA IDF).

A discussion was held with the ASEAN Central Bank Governors’ and CEOs Dialogue in March 2021 on the benefits of data interoperability across ASEAN Member States. On the basis of the benefits, the ASEAN Central Bank Governors and CEOs supported the formation of a Taskforce to develop an ASEAN Banking Association’s Interoperable Data Framework (IDF). 

The Taskforce was set up in July 2021 and was formed under the Cooperation in Finance, Investment, Trade and Technology (COFITT), the Permanent Committee of the ASEAN Banking Council. It comprises members from different national banking associations representing each of the 10 ASEAN Member States. It is also supported by advisors from the ASEAN Digital Sector’s Data Management Framework Committee as well as subject matter experts from the Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Council. 

The Vision statement was established as “to facilitate cross-border flow of data in a safe and secure manner for the banking financial institutions within ASEAN Member States.”

The Taskforce has completed the ASEAN Interoperable Data Framework and related guidance documents in 2022 and is in the process of validating and implementing the Framework using shortlisted use case(s). The Taskforce will work closely with the regulators of the member states to understand and highlight any gaps to achieving the interoperability of data.  

Learn more about the ASEAN Banking Interoperable Data Framework (ABA IDF), the hyperlink to the ABA
website is; and also link to
the actual artifacts, here are the links as well :
 ASEAN Interoperable Data Framework (IDF)
 ASEAN IDF Guidance Document
 ASEAN IDF Supporting Document

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